TIME TRACKING for UTAH employees:
We use the Quickbooks Workforce App to track your time. It's very important that you do NOT install/setup your account until you have received the Workforce email invitation.
1. Accept your Invitation to the Quickbooks Workforce App
2. Your Username is your email
3. You’ll set your own password (you may have to set up a new account or choose forgot password)
How to Clock In and Out:
Click here for even more info on how to use the app
How to Make a Correction:
Q: When are corrections Due?
A: Review your time and make all corrections the SAME day.
Friday at 11am is the correction deadline for that same week. Anything submitted later than this will be looked at on the next payroll.
ALL TIME SUBMITTED IS CONSIDERED TO BE ACCURATE AND IS YOUR FINAL TIME SUBMISSION FOR PAYROLL. If you have changes and they are not entered, DO NOT SUBMIT until they are corrected.
Q: How do I know if my correction is accepted?
A: Within 1-2 business days, you will receive confirmation that your correction has been entered OR you can look in the app Notes and your correction will have the word ENTERED in front of it.
Q: How do I make a correction?
A: There is one acceptable format (below)
Your correction must be entered directly into the App Notes AND texted to 435-590-4147.
No other formats, sentences, descriptions or attempts to make a correction are acceptable.
Q: What is the official format for a time correction?
A: Keep it as simple as possible. The most important information needed for an accurate correction is:
NEW Clock In-Clock Out time Job Number
Here is an example:
You forgot to clock in when you arrived to the job.
You also forgot to clock out for lunch.
When you get home, you realize your app clocked you out early and you were clocked into the wrong job number.
Your original time looks like:
Karynn Collins | 9:06am - 2:28pm | 7h 22m | LINEAR Rose Bradley > 1244-20 |
Your in-app correction will look like this in the notes:
7am-12pm 1244-20
1pm-4pm 1244-26
No other words, descriptions, explanations or formats are accepted. You will be asked to resubmit.
Text Option:
If you would like to send a screenshot of your in-app correction instead of typing it, you may. It MUST include the date of the correction.
How can I know which job I'm on and what Customer to enter?
If you are new, ask any one of your co-workers on the same job.
To search, you can enter any information about the job and it should populate.
Job number (Will look like: IR157-302)
Alternatively, text 435-590-4147 and ask
What if I clock into the wrong job number?
Simply change the job number to the correct one on the Timesheets page (Customer box)
If you have already switched jobs and are unable to change the job number, make a correction, as shown above.
What do I do if I am working on more than one job site during the same day?
To SWITCH JOBS (Customer)...be sure to click the SWITCH button. If you simply change the job in the Customer line, it changes for the whole day.
How can I edit my time - it won't let me and it says the wrong Customer number.
Notes and text should say...
“7am -9:30am 200-450" Use only job/customer numbers, not job names or other identifiers.
***No need to enter details or explanations of what you were doing if you took an extra break, etc. Clear all extra breaks with your Supervisor/Foreman